The dog escaping as you try to leave for school, forgetting to take out dinner to defrost, double booking weekend plans, children using the bathroom every time you're running late, your unrepentant children acting like unrepentant children, dropping your mascara wand on your favorite white shirt, spilling coffee on your laptop...
Oh the everyday chaos of life can be wearisome!
But when we view everything through the Word of God, it becomes manageable.
We can even learn to rejoice in chaotic times.​
This short, weekly show encourages women to view every single bit of the everyday chaos through a biblical lens.
We hope you join us!
The Lord brought Elizabeth to saving faith in her youth. Her parent's passion for studying Scripture was (is) an inspiring example that spurred her on from the start.
The US government was less inspiring and bossed her husband around, during his Marine Corps career - and she followed him, of course. His recent retirement brought them back to Colorado, where the air hurts your face and leafy green salad restaurant signs are actually for drugs. But their families are here, and they thank the Lord daily for that kind gift.
With an MA in strategic communications, she has assisted many large organizations and small startups distribute their message with purpose, from their branding, identity, and strategy, to their marketing and communications.
Now, most of her time is spent serving at home, which brings her the most joy. She loves serving at church in whatever ways the Lord ordains. Her three young children keep her endlessly busy with homeschool, finding lost shoes, nerf gun wars, and the eternal piles of laundry.
For fun, she starts massive DIY projects around the house that take forever to finish, buys more books than time allows (yay for Audible!), reads scientific journals beyond her vocabulary, and shops online.
She drinks a lot of coffee. A lot.

Elizabeth Giles
A born and raised Colorado local, Monika was brought up in a faithful Christian home, which gave her a firm foundation when the Lord saved her at a young age.
She put her degree in education to good use after a career in teaching. Now she's the familiar face in the children's wing at church, reassuring frazzled parents, calming screaming toddlers, and putting together children's Bible lessons, among other things.
While Monika does not include colorful pictures, gold fish crackers, or a craft time in her planning for the women's Bible Study lessons she helps teach, the ladies keep coming back, so God is still using her to teach, encourage, and serve the church, beyond the the children's wing too.
Though widowed from her first love, the Lord was kind to first bless Monika with a son who is now a computer savvy adult, and her favorite person to watch hockey games and football with. They have whooped, shrieked, and applauded their way through many live hockey games together, though neither can play themselves.
When Monika isn't spending time with her extensive family, watching football, or enjoying activities in the sunshine and open air, she floats away on her paddleboard (regardless of freezing temps!), devours quality books, and praises the Lord for coffee.